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Article 1 – General


Any order placed with CM Sebastian Giorgetti (here, the Service Provider:

company number 

N siret 500557897 00021

NAF Code 4619B

represented by Sébastien Giorgetti and located at 3 LA PACHERE, 33720 BARSAC, implies full and unreserved acceptance of the general conditions of service, applicable since 01/01/16 and mentioned on this site, by the Customer. 
Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract which has become firm and final after receipt of the signed quote, no special condition may prevail against these general conditions of service. 
The performance of any service by the Service Provider entails the immediate acceptance of the general conditions, mentioned here, by the Customer and the waiver of its own general conditions of purchase. 
Any contrary condition will therefore, in the absence of express acceptance, be unenforceable against the Service Provider.
The fact that the Service Provider does not take advantage of one of these general conditions of sale at a time cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the right to take advantage of one of these conditions at a later date.

Article 2 – Acceptance and confirmation of the order

The Client makes a written request by e-mail or online on the Service Provider's website:
After analysis of the request, the Service Provider provides the Customer with a free quote by email responding to all of the Customer's request. 
The estimate indicates, among other things, the following elements: the title and description of the project, the estimated number of hours for the service requested, the rate per hour mentioned excluding VAT and the estimated total cost of the service mentioned excluding VAT.
The Client returns the estimate, signed for agreement, within 5 working days to the Service Provider, so that the latter can begin its mission without delay.

Article 3 – Deposits

All orders do not require a deposit. This condition is the same for individuals, small, medium and large companies.

Article 4 – Methods of payment

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all invoices are payable, net and without discount, within 10 calendar days of the invoice date.
In the event of partial or total non-payment of the amount within the time allowed, the amount remaining due shall be increased automatically and without formal notice by interest of 10% per year, with a fixed and irreducible indemnity of 10% of the amount invoiced, with a minimum of EUR 30, as damages.
Any invoice that is not disputed by registered letter within 8 calendar days is deemed to have been accepted by the Customer. In any case, this dispute does not release the Customer from his payment obligations.

Article 5 – Responsibilities

  • Liability of the Service Provider
    The responsibility of the Service Provider is not engaged in the following cases: delay in the execution of the mission following an accident, illness, impossibility related to the execution of its main activity in 4/5th time or a case of force major. 
    The liability of the Service Provider is also not engaged when the above delay is due to a delay in delivery by third parties.
    The Service Provider is obliged to inform the Client of this within a reasonable time.
    The Service Provider is fully responsible for the good quality of the content sent to the Client, provided that it is used in its integral form and without modification.


  • Customer's responsibility

    At the time of his request, and therefore before the execution of the contract by the Service Provider, the Client communicates to him all the information necessary and essential for the proper execution of the services requested.


Article 6 – Cancellation of the order

In the event of total cancellation of the order, occurring after confirmation thereof, by the Customer, compensation is due by the latter, the amount of which is proportional to the work already carried out, including the preliminary research. 
In addition, the Customer will be liable for compensation for breach of contract equal to 20% of the amount of the order.

Article 7 – Complaints

To be eligible, any complaint relating to a mission must be communicated by registered letter within 8 days of the date of delivery of the content.
Complaints or disputes relating to the non-compliance of the mission, formulated within the contractual period, must be substantiated in detail. 
The unmotivated refusal of a mission does not constitute a reason for non-payment of the invoice.

Article 8 – Confidentiality

The Service Provider undertakes to scrupulously respect the confidentiality of the information brought to its attention before, during or after the completion of the assignment.
The liability of the Service Provider cannot be called into question due to interception or misappropriation of information during the transfer of data, in particular via the Internet.

Article 9 – Applicable law

All the clauses appearing in these general conditions of sale, as well as all the purchase and sale transactions referred to therein, will be subject to the law:

French with the company: MR GIORGETTI SEBASTIEN siret 50055789700021 

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